Photon Cloud Game Jams in Asia

Our partner GMO Cloud will host some great game jams in Thailand at the Rangsit University, Nov 29 – Dec 1, and in Malaysia at Exabytes Office in Puchong, Dec 14 -15.  

Global GameCraft – Game Jam Event Series

We are proudly sponsoring the Global GameCraft event series. GameCraft is a games jam event designed around building the gaming community by aiming to create events which allow game-makers to meet, share ideas, have...

FAQ: Photon Unity Network PLUS (PUN+)

We recently launched Photon Unity Networking (PUN+) and are super happy that the package immediately climbed  on #1  in Unity’s App Store in Top Grossing ‘Networking’ category. Yippee! After the launch we had many support requests...

Photon Chat is Coming – Simple & Ready-to-Use

One of our most requested features is finally coming: Photon Chat. It will be ready-to-use and simple so you can add a scalable chat within a breeze. Nice. Users can subscribe to multiple channels...

Facebook Custom Authentication for Photon Cloud

We recently introduced the Custom Authentication feature for the Photon Cloud that makes adding authentications methods to your Cloud app much easier and secure. Now we have added a turn-key method for Facebook and...